The Future of Covid-era Meetings

While the world is rejoicing the arrival of the coronavirus vaccine, it is likely that the changes brought on by Covid-19 will persist—at least in the near future. With that in mind, many venues will be looking to allow meetings to take place—albeit with specific conditions to ensure the health and safety of participants and organizers.

Here are our recommendations on how to resume meetings that meet the health and safety requirements spelled out by national health authorities and provide attendees with the needed peace of mind:

1.     Physical distancing
We suggest planning for no more than 50% of the permitted fire code occupancy load of the venue to ensure appropriate physical distancing of attendees.

2.    Enforcing the use of masks by both employees and attendees
it is incumbent upon meeting organizer to continue to make sure masks are worn to attend any meetings and for the duration of the meeting—for indoor and outdoor meetings of any size.

3.    Ensure hygiene practices for both employees and attendees
It is the responsibility of meeting organizers to ensure access to hand-washing, hand sanitizer and tissues for covering coughs and sneezes. At the entrance(s), meeting organizers must make sure physical/electronic signs are posted displaying public health advisories and also prohibiting individuals who are symptomatic from entering the meeting.

4.    Minimize environmental risks
Before signing the venue contract, meeting planner must ensure ventilation systems of indoor spaces operate properly and intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation best practices by the venue/janitorial staff.

As we prepare to resume planning meetings in larger numbers, the above simple checklist will allow attendees to have confidence that their attendance will not in any way expose them to the continuing risks of Covid-19. This will also allow the industry to bounce back from what has been the most devastating economic impact of the coronavirus.

To plan your next meeting in the safest manner possible, let professionals at GMS Meetings take the burden of ensuring all health and safety measures are adequately adhered to.